Saturday, 4 January 2020

"Virtualization & VMware Tools" - 1 day workshop on 20th Jan 2020

CSI in collaboration with SmartBridge is planning to organize a one day workshop at college premises on "Virtualization & VMware Tools" on 20th Jan, 2020 (10:30am to 04:15pm).

Content Covered in One Day Workshop:-

Cloud Computing and Virtualization Concepts (3 Hours) followed by Lab session on VMware Micro-courses followed by earning skill badges to the respective courses.

  1. Cloud and Virtualization Concepts
  2. Network Virtualization Concepts
  3. Software Defined Storage Concepts
FREE Registration

Theory: I.T. AV ROOM, 2nd Floor, CSE & IT BLOCK (10:30am to 11:30am)
Hands-on: CSED Lab4, Ground Floor, CSE & IT BLOCK (12:00am to 04:00pm)