Thursday, 20 August 2020

A 3 Day Workshop with Hands-on " Web + Google Script " - 20th to 22nd Aug, 2020 (5pm-7pm)

Google Meet Recordings, Tasks & Certificates Folder - Click Here

Resource Person (from college website team)

T.Sujanavan, Asst.Prof., CSED, MVSREC

Student Coordinators for the Event

M. Pranav, 2451-18-733-018

N. Sreeja Reddy, 2451-18-733-013

Goli Sai Goutham, 2451-18-733-122

Target Audience: 1st & 2nd year BE (CSE / IT) MVSREC students

Seats Avaiable=30, Total Participants=30